Unraveling the Mystery of Anxiety: 3 Quick Tips to Help with Anxiety
Are you often feeling dread or unease? Do you find that your hands are sweating, your heart is racing, or your stomach is constantly in knots? What if I told you these, my friend, are known to be normal symptoms of anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling that arises when your body’s response to danger is activated. You might experience this when thinking about a test or being in a crowded room. What is ironic is that anxiety can manifest in various ways for different people. While it is commonly experienced, it doesn’t have to dominate your life. I want to help you alleviate your pain, calm your anxious mind, and be free from anxiety that interferes with your day-to-day life. Believe it or not, there are many tools within your reach to help relieve anxiety. You just need guidance on how to get there. There is one simple rule for managing anxiety: Change the Channel
There has been a time or two where you have once said “I dont want to watch this” or “I dont want to hear that”. You have the power to say that to anxiety too.
Accelerated Resolution Therapy: A Revolutionary Approach to Healing Trauma
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a relatively new form of psychotherapy that aims to quickly and effectively alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. Unlike traditional talk therapies, which may take months or even years to yield significant results, ART is designed to produce rapid relief in as few as one to five sessions. At the core of ART lies the belief that traumatic memories are stored in the brain in a way that maintains their emotional intensity, often leading to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts. By engaging in a structured process of visualization and bilateral stimulation, ART seeks to reprogram the way these memories are stored, allowing individuals to process them more adaptively.