Contact Restoring Hope Counseling
Contact us.
We are available to answer any questions you have Monday - Friday 9 am- 2 pm. If it is outside of those hours, send us an email or leave a voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Would you like more information or to schedule a consultation?
Please complete the form below.
Please check your email from a response from our office within 2 business days. If you don't hear back from us by that time, please call our office at 832-569-7673.
Please note that a credit card is required to reserve an appointment online. You will not be charged until your first appointment.
Champions Office Therapist Fee List
Celeste Osborne, LPC-S, Owner | $160*- Wait List Only
Valerie Ortega, LPC | $160* - Wait List Only
Erin Cominotti, LPC | $160* - Wait List Only
Vandi Nall, LPC | $160* - Wait List Only
Destiny Anderson, LPC Associate | $130*
Todd Nall, LPC Associate | $130*
Lindsey Hurley, LPC Associate | $130*
Maliha Ahmed, LPC Associate | $130*
Laura Nava, LPC Associate | $130*
Mae Marshall, LPC Associate | $130*
Cami Tisnabudi, LPC Associate | $130*
Shawnae Inama, LPC Associate | $130*
*Some therapists are in network with some insurance plans, please see their individual page for more information.
5206 FM 1960 Rd. W. #103 Houston, TX 77069
(832) 569-7673
Monday-Saturday - 8 a-8 p
Phone Coverage -
Monday-Friday - 9 a - 2p
(All Sessions by Appointment Only)
The Champions office is conveniently located in North Houston on FM 1960/Cypress Creek Parkway between IH 45 and HWY 249.