Play Therapy in Houston
Play Therapy
As a parent you have become concerned about some changes in your child’s behavior or maybe noticed some concerning differences. You want to find help but you are filled with questions as a parent. How can a therapist know more about my child and their needs? Does it make me a bad parent?
We know the challenges your children face and how to help. As a parent you are making the important decision to prioritize your child’s mental health.
Is your child struggling with…
Angry explosions.
Aggressive and destructive behavior.
Refusing to go to school or extracurricular activities.
School performance.
We know how your child’s behavior take a toll on the family. We know you are concerned and worry about their development.
Children are not immune to the hardships that come with day-to-day stressors and unexpected events. When these hardships come up for children, it can affect their behavior, performance at school, and relationships with family and peers.

Play Therapy in Houston
For children, Play Therapy can be a tool to address children’s presenting problems and offer parents support in finding solutions for their child.
What is Play Therapy?
Play Therapy is to children what counseling is to adults. Children do not have the ability to express themselves with words as an adult would do, so they may find it difficult to verbalize what is troubling them. Play is their language, and the toys become their words. It is a type of therapy that allows children to communicate through play, their most natural form of expression. The toys in the playroom help the children to “play out” their perceptions of their life experiences, their thoughts and feelings, and their needs and desires. With the help of a trained Play Therapist, children can learn to better understand themselves and their world, as well as work to resolve their problems and develop skills to better deal with life.
Read more about Play Therapy on the Associate of Play Therapy Website.
Why does my child need Play Therapy?
In the process of growing up, most children, at some point, have trouble coping with their life experiences. Some children may exhibit behaviors which are a concern to their parents or teachers. If you, your child’s teacher, or your child’s physician are concerned about your child’s behavior, especially if the child is having difficulty coping, play therapy is a recommended approach to helping your child. This type of therapy has been researched and proven to help children get better over time.
Schedule a session today with one of our Play Therapists!
We get it. Parenting is hard. Not knowing what is happening with you child is scary.
It is important to address these problems in behavior and emotional regulation early on. We can help get them back on track to have a happy and healthy childhood.
Restoring Hope Counseling in Houston is here to help you learn how to handle this pressure. We are here to help you learn how to manage and help your children face their problems.