Anger Iceberg
The Anger Iceberg is a therapeutic technique used in mental health counseling to explore and understand the underlying emotions beneath anger. It is based on the idea that anger is often a surface-level emotion that masks deeper, more complex feelings. The iceberg metaphor suggests that just as only a small portion of an iceberg is visible above the waterline, anger is just the tip of the emotional iceberg.
Managing Teen Emotions
Being a teen is tough stuff. I mean can you remember back to when you were in middle/high school? All of the stress of keeping up with grades, latest trends, parent demands, extracurricular activities, and as if that wasn’t enough, all of the drama! The drama between couples, friends, and home was at times just too much to bear.
Tracking Daily Moods
Mood tracking is a component of a holistic approach to health. It allows you to consider the interconnectedness of factors such as sleep, exercise, nutrition, and social interactions that influence your mental well-being. There are various methods for mood tracking, ranging from traditional journaling to smartphone apps designed for this purpose. Choose a method that fits your preferences and lifestyle. Remember that while mood tracking can be a valuable tool, it is not a substitute for professional mental health care. If you're experiencing persistent or severe mood changes, it's important to consult with a mental health professional for personalized support and guidance.