Finding the Right Provider- Destigmatizing: Part 6
As I finalize this series on destigmatizing mental health in the Hispanic/Latinx community, I want you to walk away with empowerment to find the right mental health provider for yourself and understand how to go about looking for the right provider for you. Culture, beliefs, personal norms and values, and language are key to all aspects of our lives, including our mental health.
Natural Remedies and Faith- Destigmatizing: Part 5
Some members of Hispanic/Latinx rely on curanderos (healers) and home remedies to deal with health problems. Mental health is no exception. If these methods are important to you and help you, keep using them. Natural home remedies can be essential in your healing process. However, we encourage you to consider finding a mental health professional.
Insurance, Diagnosis and Documentation- Destigmatizing: Part 4
Many members of the Hispanic/Latinx community are self-employed or (earning minimum wage). It can be difficult to make ends meet, much less think about caring for ourselves when it comes to mental health
Privacy Concerns- Destigmatizing: Part 3
Privacy concerns is another issue that needs to be considered when it comes to the Hispanic/Latinx community. Many of us know the saying: "dirty clothes are washed at home". Members of the Hispanic/Latinx community tend to be reserved and do not share in public the problems they face at home. Don't worry, seeking mental health care doesn't mean you'll lose your privacy.
Lack of Information- Destigmatizing: Part 2
As I have been talking about destigmatizing mental health within the Hispanic/Latinx community, there are different reasons that prevent Hispanic/Latinx from seeking and receiving quality care. There are several issues to consider and one of them being is:
Lack of Information and Confusion Regarding Mental Health
Mental Health is Very Important- Destigmatizing: Part 1
Hispanics/Latinx communities have the same incidence of mental illness compared to the rest of the world's population. However, the concerns, experiences and way of understanding and dealing with them may be different.